
Welcome to your Starter Kit! I am so excited for you to kick off your oily journey! I want to go over some basics and give you ideas of how to use those oils in your kit, but first, let's get you all set for oily success! Let's go over some basics, shall we? 

Remember, oiling is not an exact science! The most important thing is to USE LESS OIL MORE OFTEN and EXPERIMENT! Just like we can't get stronger by working out ONCE, we can't make changes to our wellness and lifestyle if we don't consistently use the oils.

Before we dig into that kit, be sure to click over and review OIL BASICS and some SAFETY TIPS.


ONE | When you open that gorgeous kit, you'll find some great info tucked inside the pocket on the back of the lid. Keep that with the catalog and EO magazine - you'll get some great ideas from those. 

TWO | Now, those gorgeous oils you see lined up in the box? Lift that up... there's more underneath! You're Stress Away, samples and drams are at the bottom of the box. 


THREE | Pop those NingXia Red packets in the fridge for whenever you need a pick-me-up! They are best cold!

FOUR | Now, take your diffuser out of the box and plug it in. Follow the instructions to fill it up with water and you're ready to pick your very first diffuser blend! We have 25 diffuser blends made just for you with your PSK oils. Why not get yourself a glass of water and put a drop of lemon vitality in it to sip on while you choose one of these CUSTOM DIFFUSER BLENDS? Once you've chosen, drop your oils in the diffuser and turn it on! 

FIVE | If you don't already have an empty spray bottle around, grab one of my favorites HERE so you can use your Thieves Household Cleaner. If you do have one, go ahead and pour in your packet and fill the rest of the way with water. You just replaced nearly EVERY cleaner you own and ditched a TON of toxins! Cleaning just got way more fun, too! 

SIX | Now, take that little roller-ball top from the bottom of your kit and put it on the top of your oil. I suggest putting it on Stress Away so you can roll that on all throughout the day.


SEVEN | The tiny bottles are awesome for sharing with friends or making a mini-kit to keep in your purse!



10 days all the ways.jpg

So, the last thing we want is for that box to sit unused in the back of your closet. For 10 days I challenge you to use your oils each of the three ways - topically, internally, and aromatically. We'll keep it super simple and by the end of the 10 days, you'll be a PRO! Leave no bottle unopened!

You'll be making your way through our Everyday Diffuser Blends, so you may want to click over and bookmark it to reference each day!


  • Get a glass pitcher and fill it with water and a drop of peppermint vitality to drink throughout the day.  
  • Apply one drop each of Thieves and Copaiba to the bottom of your feet for a wellness boost.
  • Choose a relaxing diffuser blend to wind down with in the evening. 


  • Choose an energizing diffuser blend to start your day! I love the blend Deep Focus.
  • Grab your Stress Away and keep it with you to apply anytime during the day when you start to feel tense.
  • Make some Thieves Tea by adding a drop of Thieves Vitality to some warm water with a little honey to taste.


  • Apply a drop of DiGize to the bottom of your feet or directly to your tummy with some carrier oil (like coconut oil) after your largest meal of the day. 
  • Add a drop of copaiba vitality to a spoonful of honey to soothe the throat and support the body's natural response to inflammation.
  • Try the diffuser blend I'm Stuffed and breathe deep.


  • Carve out some time this morning to diffuse the blend Morning Yoga and relax. Maybe do some yoga, or spend some time praying/meditating. 
  • Apply a drop of Frankincense to your forehead and chest then breath deeply into your palms while you are relaxing.
  • Drink a glass of water with a drop of lemon vitality to support a gentle detox. 


  • Try the diffuser blend Pre Workout in the morning and get some walking or exercise in during the day.
  • Get one of your NingXia Red packets out of the fridge and drink it down before you head out to be active.
  • End the day with a couple drops of PanAway mixed into a carrier oil and massaged onto the areas you worked out.


  • Drop the blend Freshly Baked into the diffuser.
  • Grab your Thieves Household Cleaner and try cleaning a few different surfaces in your home. Kitchen counter, baseboards, floor, shower...
  • Drink a glass of water with a drop of peppermint to keep you energized as you clean.
  • BONUS: Add a few drops of Citrus Fresh to your Thieves Household Cleaner for a burst of HAPPY as you clean!


  • Try the blend Because Life for a soothing, but invigorating way to start the day.
  • Drop a few drops of lavender onto a washcloth or wool dryer balls and toss into the dryer with some towels or sheets.
  • Add a drop of lemon to some warm water with honey and a little creamer for a delicious way to wind down at night.


  • Run It Is Well In My Home in the diffuser
  • Apply a drop of Frankincense to your head for focus and a drop of Thieves to the bottom of your feet for wellness support.
  • Try a honey bomb before bed! A spoonful of honey with 1 drop each of Lemon Vitality, Peppermint Vitality, and Copaiba Vitality.


  • Start your day with your second NingXia Packet - only this time add a drop of one of the vitality oils to it in a shot glass!
  • Pick a diffuser blend that fits your mood.
  • End your day with a drop of lavender massaged onto your scalp. It won't make your scalp greasy since eo's aren't fatty.
  • BONUS: Pick three of your favorite oils and make mini-bottles of them with half essential oil and half carrier oil. Keep those with you in your purse.

DAY 10

  • Try Cool, Calm, Collected in the diffuser as you get ready for the day.
  • Make some wellness milk with 1 drop each of Thieves Vitality, Lemon Vitality, and Copaiba Vitality in your favorite milk or non-dairy milk.
  • Rub a drop of Raven onto your chest with some carrier oil before getting into bed at night.
  • BONUS: Now that you've fallen in love with your kit, share a few little bottles of oil with your friends and share the love! 

There you have it! You're basically an oil professional now! So where do you go from here? Keep using those oils EVERY SINGLE day. You'll slowly but surely start seeing BIG changes in all areas of your life. Here are some steps to take to make oily success even simpler than it already is!

1. BE IN THE KNOW - Be sure you are in our private FB group (just ask whoever helped you get your kit to add you, or contact me!) so you don't miss out on all the great info! Unless you don't want the info coming every day, in which case turn those notifications off and check when you want to! 😘

2. KNOW THINGS - One thing we can't do for you is answer specific usage questions. So empower yourself!!! Be sure you have visited or and grabbed the latest edition of the essential oil reference guide that's spiral bound and worth its weight in gold! Start growing a little library of oil books and prepare for your mind to be blown by the magic these oils possess!

3. COMMIT - Buying oils won't change your life. However, using them every single day, along with ditching and switching toxins and getting good nutrition will absolutely shake things up in all the right ways! ER is the easiest way to ensure you are committed to this as a lifestyle and will follow through with using oils daily. It will also get you trying new things and branching out into the cleaning and personal care products that are as clean as they come, which is the whole idea!

* To make using your oils and other goodness daily a habit, keep them somewhere easy to see and use! The kitchen or bathroom counter are both great spots! 

4. TRY THINGS - Get new ideas this group and from your books, and actually give them a try! Not just once, but for a while. Small changes over time turn into big changes!

5. BIG PICTURE - There is no magic solution to any of our problems. We have to look at ourselves as a whole person and make changes in ALL areas of our life (check out OOLA books for more on this). Using oils is powerful but doesn't counter poor eating choices, lack of sleep, dehydration, laziness, or general negativity. Mind, body, soul. You deserve to be happy, Whole and healthy. THAT is the real commitment. Love yourself and take care of yourself in ALL the ways. Then you'll see what those drops of oil can *really* do! 
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See? So. So. Simple. Notifications on, books on your night stand, ER every month, trying new things, and getting your mind right! Boom! Oily success!!!