Essential Fall Collection


Boots, scarves, pumpkin everything, and all the warm, comforting essential oils. I’ve put together a quick list of fall oils to add to your collection. These are so good in the diffuser and almost any combo will be amazing. They also carry into winter seamlessly and will fill your home with festive, delicious smells!






  • Clove
  • Nutmeg
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Ginger
  • Cardamom 
  • Coriander
  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Orange
  • Christmas Spirit
  • Thieves


  • Bergamot
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce (the perfect base note for everything)
  • Evergreen Essence (all the trees)
  • Stress Away (adds a creamy, vanilla smell)
  • Cassia (use instead of Cinnamon Bark for a milder, sweeter cinnamon scent)
  • Exodus ii (try in place of Thieves to mix things up a bit)

*These smell particularly amazing alongside the “fall” oils in the diffuser and will add complexity to the blends you create.



These blends are great for the diffuser, making linen or room sprays, or even roll-on scents.

AUTUMN SPICE | 1 drop each Cassia, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Clove and Ginger

BAKED APPLE PIE | 3 drops each Stress Away & Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops each Nutmeg & Clove, 1 drop Ginger

CHAI | 3 drops each Ginger & Orange, 2 drops each Cinnamon Bark & Clove

CRISP BREEZE | 3 drops Rosemary, 2 drops each Sage & Bergamot

CRUNCHY LEAVES | 2 drops each Rosemary, Northern Lights Black Spruce & coriander

FALL | 4 drops Orange, 2 drops Cinnamon Bark

FAVORITE FLANNEL | 2 drops Stress Away, 1 drops Nutmeg, 1 drop Christmas Spirit

HARVEST | 2 drops each Coriander, Cardamom, Sage & Northern Lights Black Spruce

LEATHER BOOTS | 3 drops Bergamot, 2 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 1 drop Coriander, 1 drop Rosemary

PUMPKIN PIE | 3 drops Orange, 2 drops each Cinnamon Bark, Clove & Nutmeg, 1 drop Ginger

PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE | 3 drops each Clove & Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops each Nutmeg & Clove, 1 drop Orange

SIMPLY SEASONAL | 3 drops Thieves, 2 drops Stress Away, 1 drop Nutmeg

SPICED CIDER | 4 drops Orange, 3 drops cinnamon bark, 2 drops Ginger

THANKSGIVING | 2 drops each Sage & Celery Seed, 2 drops each Nutmeg & Clove

WARM VANILLA SPICE | 4 drops Stress Away, 2 drops each Nutmeg and Cinnamon Bark

WOODED WALK | 3 drops Evergreen Essence, 2 drops Clove, 1 drop Orange


There are endless combos and smells you can come up with using these oils. Try mixing them with oils you already have in your collection, too! Cedarwood, Frankincense (or Sacred Frankincense), Sandalwood, or Myrrh smell really nice with these warm, spicy, fall scents. Maybe even play around with adding a floral scent into the mix and see how you like it!

Kimberly Laird
Creamy Mud Tea

Once upon a time, I used to wake up and enjoy a cup (or 3) of hot, delicious coffee. Like most adults, coffee was my nectar. Then I began to notice that stress and anxiety were becoming an issue. My stomach also didn’t seem to like it. I felt unnaturally amped up and jittery only to crash hard in the afternoon and feel sluggish and awful. Fast-forward another six months to when I was *still* drinking coffee despite feeling bad. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, which is an autoimmune thyroid disease and decided to take full control of my health. I went on a clean eating, gluten free diet and also cut out coffee. After the initial withdrawals (coffee is seriously addictive) I began to feel SO much better! I woke up feeling refreshed and had more sustained energy through the day. BUT, I *really* missed the ritual of cozying up with that warm cup of goodness in the morning!

Enter this drink, which we call mud tea. Coffee WHAT? Coffee has nothing on this. This drink is loaded with all sorts of goodness and tastes like none other! Keep reading and we’ll go over some benefits of each ingredient!

Now, as a disclaimer, I will let you know that I do not measure this out. These amounts are estimates and should be adjusted based on your taste. I actually prefer mine slightly thicker and more buttery than this recipe and so I use a wee bit more cacao and ghee than I called for here. Try it out, experiment with amounts and find your happy place.

You will need:

Add all ingredients to your favorite mug, give it a good stir and enjoy!

*MAKE AHEAD TIP: Make a ready-to-go Mud Tea mix with all of the dry ingredients! I used MAPLE SUGAR (dried maple syrup) for the sweetener in the mix so I only have to add my ghee and creamer to it. I also stuck a couple of vanilla beans in the jar with the mix to infuse a bit of vanilla flavor!



So which oil do you choose? Here’s a round-up of our favorites!

  • Peppermint Vitality – Peppermint is invigorating, known for encouraging mental clarity. It also is very supportive of a healthy respiratory system.
  • Thieves Vitality – Supportive of a healthy immune system. This is a great way to get your daily dose of Thieves!
  • Orange Vitality – On it’s own or along with any of these other oils, orange tastes SO good! It is also full of limonene. Google it!
  • Copaiba Vitality– Promotes overall wellness and includes the naturally occurring constituents beta-caryophyllene and alpha-humulene.

What’s so great about mud tea anyway?

  • Cacao – Full of flavonoids and may lower your risk of serious disease. Also higher levels of antioxidants than black or green tea, and red wine. Also highly beneficial in promoting a healthy cardiovascular system. Not to mention that it contains magnesium, and other essential minerals such as calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, and manganese , as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, C, and E. Pass the cacao?
  • Maca – Wonderfully supportive of balanced hormones, which could prove helpful for fertility, menopausal symptoms and PMS. Also supports happy skin, overall mood and sexual function. Maca is rich in vitamin B, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids. Because of all this, it gives a nice energy boost that can even improve athletic performance!
  • Ghee – Ghee is essentially lactose free and casein free clarified butter, which means even those who are lactose intolerant can enjoy it’s deliciousness. It’s FULL of healthy fats and helps maintain healthy metabolism and weight. Seriously, the energy from these medium chain fatty acids can be used to burn other fats in the system and lose weight. It is supportive of a healthy immune and digestive system… and it tastes AMAZING! Truly.
  • Maple Syrup – Antioxidant rich with a lower glycemic index than most other sweeteners. Also provides zinc and manganese which support a healthy immune system, maintain a good metabolism and healthy blood sugar regulation!
  • Gelatin (collagen hydrolysate) – Loaded with protein and easily digested, gelatin is supportive of gut and joint health. Contains millions of essential amino acids and peptides which regulate cell function. Feeling of alertness, improved concentration, balanced mood, improved energy and increased sense of well-being have been reported! Because collagen hydrolysate dissolves in cold water, as well as hot, and will not congeal like regular gelatin, you can use this high-protein powder in endless ways!
  • Sea Salt – Includes vital minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bromide, chloride, iron, copper, and zinc among other beneficial elements. The benefits for your well-being are seemingly endless. Plus, it adds rich flavor!

Wake up. Enjoy your warm cup of mud tea and know that you’re starting your day off to a good start!

Clean Enough For Cancer


"Stay at home moms and women who work from home are 54% more likely to die from cancer than women who don't work from home."

Let that sink in. This stat has my jaw on the floor.

We are home working hard cooking, cleaning, taxiing kids, keeping people alive and trying to stay sane. All the while, we're slowly killing ourselves with the toxins we've brought into our homes and the stress that we feel to measure up. Mamas, we have a seriously hard job and SO many choices to make! We are all just doing our best! I know it's easy to eyeroll the whole movement of living "clean" and eating organic, to take aim at the mama who goes to great lengths to avoid toxins and processed foods. She's crazy or paranoid or trying too hard. Hey, maybe you cheer her on but it just isn't your thing! There is no shame in this mama game however it is that you roll, but doing better for our kids needs to be all of our thing. 

When they lower their standards for the products that can be sold, we have to raise the bar on educating ourselves and making informed choices! We have to know better and do better for ourselves and our kids. 

In one study, over 800 of the nearly 3000 (tested) chemicals we find in our personal care products (that we rub all over ourselves and our kids every. darn. day.) were found to be toxic. This is an uphill battle! These chemicals are straight-up banned in other countries. 

Here are just a handful of things these toxic chemicals may do:

+ interrupt our hormone production
+ cause acute toxicity
+ cause biological mutations
+ create skin and eye irritations
+ cause respiratory issues
+ cause cancer

Here are just a few places you'll find these things in your home:

+ household cleaners
+ shampoo, conditioner, baby wash
+ lotions and creams
+ sunscreen and bug spray
+ scented candles
+ make up

It's scary how normal it's become to slap buzz words like "clean" or "organic" or "natural" on toxic-soup products just to market them to mamas who are trying to do their best! So what do we do? We educate ourselves! 

+ Get the ThinkDirty app and scan all your products. See how they score in terms of toxicity and start replacing the worst offenders! 
+ Save a list of the Dirty Dozen and be sure to buy only organic of those things. 
+ Make it easy for yourself and look into ALL the things Young Living offers. It's SO much more than oils and I am forever thankful that I can get my cleaners and personal products from YL in my monthly wellness box and never worry that they are anything less than the best! They've got us covered for cleaning ALL the things (with ONE cleaner), laundry, dishes, bathing, moisturizing and pretty much everything else. It doesn't get easier or higher quality. See all the goodness HERE.

Empowered mamas are the best kind! I am cheering you on, friends! You owe it to your kids and yourself to stick around. You don't have to be a statistic. Be a warrior and fight for your health before it's too late!

(Source of quote: 15 year Toronto Indoor Air Conference of 1990 study mentioned by Jen O'Sullivan in her book Essentially Driven)

Kimberly Laird
Healthy Hair Spritzer

This recipe was contributed by my friend, Alyssa Scott.

"It seems my whole life I've been on a search for the perfect product to make my hair grow thick, long, shiny and strong. Being a hairstylist for over 10 years has given me the opportunity to try everything available on the market and even test products from laboratories not yet on the market.

I've. Tried. Everything.

Nothing has worked. Because nothing helped my body grow its own hair. None of those products encouraged healthy circulation and balanced sebum (two of the major causes of hair loss and slow growth) and none of them help my body adapt to stress (the other major cause of hair loss) in the way the Essential Oils have; from the inside out.

This recipe for healthy hair growth and scalp is honestly the best I've ever used and as a bonus, it doesn't smell like coal tar! There are 4 very powerful ingredients that all play a very important roll in encouraging healthy hair growth and balanced scalp.

  • Lavender: is an adaptogen, which means it can aid the body in adapting to stress. It calms irritation and supports the skin on the scalp.
  • Rosemary: Keeps the scalp clear and healthy from follicle to ends.
  • Cedarwood: Supports our body in growing lots of healthy, strong hair. Also amazing for the brain, which is a nice bonus
  • Witch Hazel: removes and balances sebum (oil on the scalp)."


  1.  Put 10 drops each of Lavender, Rosemary & Cedarwood in a 2 oz. glass spray bottle.
  2. After adding EO's fill the rest of the way with witch hazel and apply morning and night to the area affected, concentrating on the scalp, not the hair.

BeautyKimberly Laird
Carrier Oils


Choosing a carrier oil can be a little confusing with so many choices out there but with a little know-how, it's pretty simple. This guide should help you decide which one is right for the job. Let's start with the basics.

WHAT IS A CARRIER OIL? A carrier oil is an oil derived from the fatty part of a plant, nut or seed. While essential oils are steam distilled, evaporate and are aromatic, carrier oils are pressed, do not evaporate and have little to no smell.


  1. USE LESS TO DO MORE. Remember how I mentioned above that essential oils will evaporate? Well, carrier oils do not. By diluting, less of the essential oil is able to evaporate and more of it is able to soak into your skin. The carrier oil effectively drives the essential oil into your skin.
  2. SPREAD IT FURTHER. You are able to cover larger areas using less oil thanks to the carrier oil helping to spread that drop. When you have a sore back, you could use several drops of oil to cover it, or you could use one drop (that will be driven in more effectively) in some carrier oil.
  3. LESS MORE OFTEN. Using one drop more often is always more effective than using lots of drops at once. So, that sore back you had, is going to be better soothed by using one diluted drop every 20 minutes instead of several drops at once.
  4. PROTECT YOUR SKIN. Essential oils are potent and can be irritating to the skin. Sensitization (red, angry skin) can occur when a carrier oil is not used, especially when using "hot" oils or reapplying essential oils to the same area. Luckily, not only is the carrier oil keeping your skin happy, it's making better use of the drop you do use.
  5. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY. Especially for little ones or pets, one drop may be too much. Diluting allows you to use less than one drop, so you have an appropriate amount of essential oil.

HOW MUCH DO I DILUTE? Dilution does not need to be precise. There are some general guidelines, but through experience, you will likely find that exact measurements are not necessary. Keep in mind that diluting does not lessen the effect of the essential oil. A drop is a drop and it will enter your skin whether it is applied with two drops of carrier oil or ten. For dilution instructions for a specific oil, look on the label or in the Essential Oil Desk Reference for exact recommendations. Here are a few recommended ratios to use as a guideline for dilution:

Diluting 1:1 is good practice. For little ones, dilute at least 2:1.

NOTE: A few oils need to be further diluted. These in include the single oils basil, cassia, cinnamon bark, clove, cumin, lemongrass, lemon myrtle, mountain savory, oregano, thyme and the blends DiGize, Exodus II, GLF, ImmuPower, Longevity and Thieves. 

WHAT DO I LOOK FOR IN A CARRIER OIL? Quality. Look for words like COLD PRESSED, EXPELLOR PRESSED, UNREFINED, VIRGIN & ORGANIC. You have the purest essential oils on earth, so make sure you pair it with a carrier oil worthy of the job.

WHICH CARRIER OIL DO I CHOOSE? Here are some of the most common carrier oils and some information about each to help you decide which one(s) fits your needs.

  • V-6 VEGETABLE OIL COMPLEX -  V-6 oil is Young Living's specially formulated, proprietary blend of oils and is comprised almond oil, fractionated coconut oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, sesame seed oil, sunflower seed oil and wheat germ oil. These are all nourishing, antioxidant vegetables that are colorless and odorless. It has a long shelf life, does not clog pores, and will not stain clothes. This is a great oil to use in roller-bottles or making your own massage oils with your essential oils.
  • COCONUT OIL - A great oil for general moisturizing, coconut oil moisturizes and creates a protective layer over the skin, helping one retain the moisture. Because it is so mild and naturally antibacterial, it's a great choice for those with sensitive or inflamed skin. It is a favorite to use as an ingredient in lotions, body butters and creams.
  • FRACTIONATED COCONUT OIL - With an indefinite shelf life, fractionated coconut oil is very light and facilitates the absorption of other oils. The coconut oil has been fractionated, which means that the fatty acids have been separated from the triglycerides so that it is always liquid. Colorless and odorless, it absorbs easily into the skin. Because it does not harden, it is a good choice for using in roller-bottles or making your own massage oils with your essential oils.
  • SWEET ALMOND OIL - Highly emollient, sweet almond oil is known for it's ability to soften, smooth and recondition the skin. It makes a great ingredient in lotions, creams and body butters.
  • JOJOBA OIL - Actually not so much an oil, jojoba oil is a liquid plant wax. With it's bright golden color and mild odor, it is favored for it's similarity to our skins own natural sebum; because of this it soaks in easily. It is also wonderful for cleansing the scalp. It has a longer than normal shelf life and is one of the main components of our silky lotion base.
  • AVOCADO OIL - This is a rich oil, chock full of amino acids, sterols, pantothenic acid, lecithin and other essential fatty acids. It is particularly good for those with skin problems. A somewhat unstable oil, it is recommended to store in the refrigerator, out of light and away from heat.
  • GRAPESEED OIL - With it's pleasant aroma, grapeseed oil is wonderful for use as a general carrier oil, or in creams and lotions. It does not leave a greasy feeling and is therefore a great choice for those with skin that doesn't absorb oils well. It is also great for those with sensitive skin.
  • OLIVE OIL - One of the more universal and multi-purposed oils, it is quite stable and useful as an ingredient in skincare products or on it's own. Thicker than some of the other carriers, it may leave more of a greasy feeling on the skin.
  • CASTOR OIL -  This shiny oil is often used in cosmetics as a barrier against harsh conditions. It is very soothing to the skin, is said to encourage hair growth and is the main ingredient in our lash serum.


Any one of the carrier oils above can be used on it's own, but they also make great ingredients for other bases. Check out the recipes we have for you HERE


  • ROLLER FITMENTS - These are sold in packs of 10 by Young Living and turn any 5ml or 15ml bottle into a roll on.
  • ROLL ON BOTTLES - make your own blends, prediluted and ready to apply! The metal rollerball on these is the cherry on top. They glide to easily and let out just the right amount of oil.
  • SPRAY TOPS - These will fit on top of your Young Living 5ml or 15ml bottles, turning them into a small and convenient spray bottle. I like to fill empty bottles with water and top it with one of these to make a linen spray, disinfecting spray, etc.
  • GLASS DROPPERS - These little droppers make measuring drops of carrier oil a breeze.

When all is said and done, you really can't go wrong with any of these carrier oils. They will help make the most of those essential oils we all love so much! Enjoy them, dilute them, and use them often.


Kimberly Laird