Posts tagged safety tips
10 Safety Tips for Using Essential Oils

YOUNG LIVING'S OILS ARE SO PURE AND POTENT, THAT WE MUST RESPECT THE DROPS LIKE THE LITTLE POWERHOUSES THAT THEY ARE. Don't worry, though! It's mostly common sense and becomes more and more intuitive as you begin to use your oils every day.

Here are a few safety suggestions that should get you off to a good start! Pay extra attention to #10! 

1. Store them in a cool, dark place with lids secure to maintain their properties.

2. Keep a carrier oil, like YL's V6 oil complex or coconut oil, on hand to dilute. If an oil is too strong on your skin, just apply some carrier oil and wipe off if necessary.

3. Always use glass containers with your oils, especially when drinking, since plastics contain chemicals that the oils will break down.

4. Only use YL's Vitality line internally. These are labeled just for internal use to make it easy!

5. For those with sensitive skin, it may be best to test a small area and wait 30 minutes before applying more. 

6. Keep oils away from eyes and never put them directly in your ears. Should oils irritate or get near the eyes, use a carrier oil (like YL's V6 oil complex or coconut oil) to remove the oil and lessen discomfort. NEVER use water.

7. Citrus oils are photosensitive and may cause a rash or darkening of skin if applied before direct sun exposure. As a general rule, wait 12 hours or after applying a citrus oil before going in the sun.

8. Those with epilepsy or high blood pressure should use caution when using high-ketone oils like basil, rosemary, sage or tansy. 

9. The bottom of the feet is a very safe place to apply your oils and is super efficient for getting the oils into your system.

10. RELAX! You can't really "mess up" using your oils. Experiment, see what you like and give yourself lots of opportunity to see just how incredible and versatile these oils really are!